Thursday, February 19, 2015

It's Retirement Time . . . See which prints and products are retiring

This week, Sara's Photography & Design has two retiring prints with all their products. Click the previews below. Don't miss out because these are gone on 2/20/2015.


"Whispy Sunset"

The products associated with both prints will no longer be available after 2/20/15. Please don't delay if you're interested in either print or items.

Have a beautiful day

Sara Evans
Sara's Photography

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Free Shipping . . .

There's Free Shipping on all Sara Evans Designed items on Society 6. This includes phone cases, pillows, mugs, laptop covers, iPad covers, shower curtains and more.

Click here to shop!!

Free Shipping ends 2/22/15

Have a beautiful day!!

Sara Evans
Sara's Photography & Design

Saturday, February 14, 2015

~ Happy Valentine's Day ~

Thank you to everyone who has fell in love with my photography.  I  enjoy working with each and every one of you. It's an amazing feeling to know someone loves a print, as much as I do or more.

Looking forward to the feedback from some of those awesome Valentine's gifts!!

Happy Valentine's Day!!


Friday, February 13, 2015

New Releases for this weekend are:

Great new releases for this Valentine's Day weekend. Take a preview peek by clicking the links below. Enjoy.

February Sunrise

Sunrise Swim



Sunrise Whisper Collection

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Sara Evans
Sara's Photography & Design

New Releases: Alligator, Alligator 2014 & Alligator Run

Recently, on a trip to Florida, Photographer, Sara Evans had some close up encounters with real, live alligators. Some of these prints are available in the "Alligators" table top book. However, if you're interested in some prints or just seeing more from those photo opportunities, you're invited to view these previews. There's more to come so keep checking back.

(Reminder: For your safety and the safety of alligators and other animals never approach them. Alligators and other animals can become dangerous very quickly)

Preview "Alligator"

Preview "Alligator 2014"

Preview "Alligator Run"

Preview "Alligators" the table top book.

(Reminder: For your safety and the safety of alligators and other animals never approach them. Alligators and other animals can become dangerous very quickly)

Have a beautiful day!!

Sara Evans
Sara's Photography & Design

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Retiring Prints!!

Some prints are retiring by Friday (2/13/15).  Use this link to view prints that are retiring. 

Don't delay because once they are removed, they are gone.

Any questions, please contact Sara's Photography.

Enjoy your beautiful day!!

Sara Evans
Sara's Photography

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

"Majestic" by Sara Evans, Photographer was released on Feb 10, 2015

In the "Majestic" print, you'll see an eagle perched in a tree. Is he watching you or watching pry?

This beautiful eagle was located in Northeast Iowa.

Preview "Majestic" here.

Have a beautiful day!!

Sara Evans
Sara's Photography & Design, Owner

Friday, February 6, 2015

New Releases for the weekend...Enjoy!!

Here are the new releases for this weekend. Be sure to preview them by clicking the link title. As always, if you have any questions or order issues, please contact Sara's Photography.

Winter's Road

Winter's Kiss

Steamed Ice

Snowy Water

Have a beautiful day!!

Sara Evans
Sara's Photography & Design

New Releases: "Elk Wonder" & "Posed Elk" by Sara Evans, Photographer

This past week has brought lots of fun snow. I decided to go see what my favorite Elk were up to. "Elk Wonder" and "Posed Elk" are just two of the prints release from that day.

Preview "Elk Wonder"

Preview "Posed Elk"

Be watching for additional prints coming very soon.

Have a beautiful day!!

Sara Evans,
Sara's Photography

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Buffalo, Elk & Snow

It's been a snowy week in Iowa. The fresh snow has made many opportunities for amazing photos. I was able to capture the snow falling into a river, a beautiful reflection photo along with amazing road photos. Also, spent some time watching the Elk or were they watching me?  Watching the buffalo move through the snow was my favorite part. Such strength making a path.

While you're waiting to see those photos, be sure to visit the prints already available at  Bookmark and check back soon.

Be sure to like Sara's Photography on Facebook, follow Sara's Photography on Twitter and enjoy Sara's photography on Instagram.  All those links can be found on Sara's Photography website at the right top corner

Enjoy a beautiful day!!

Sara Evans,
Sara's Photography