Thursday, March 12, 2015

Rapidly Beating Heart

"If you're hearts not rapidly beating, you're not close enough" ~ Sara Evans, Photographer

When I began seriously doing photography, as a career and not a hobby, I read a lot. One common theme was that you'll find your photography style and genre when you start shooting. Time and again I read that just picking a style or type of photography and trying to mold into it was the wrong way to start.

So I picked up the camera and began shooting. It didn't take long for me to find the thrill of animals. Sure I enjoy landscapes, water and flowers but animals, that's my thing. However, the domestic dog or cat just don't have the thrill of looking face to face with an elk or alligator.

My photography career truly became a career the day I was capturing an Elk Fight. I could hear the antlers crashing together. I could see the drool from the lips as they fought. I was there very quietly standing with a camera. My heart beating out of my chest. There's a point when you look around and everyone in the area is so far away they look like toddlers moving around, that's when it clicks that maybe "I'm to close" but the photos were amazing.

From that day, I have been more aware of safety measures. Since then, I've been face to face with a buffalo roaming in a park in South Dakota. A foot or two from an alligator sunning after a swim in the swamp during a trip to Florida. I've been petting distance from a bear and so the stories go.

While I truly hope you enjoy my photography. Always remember when you're out in the environment of a wild animal, always be aware of safety measure. Read about animals and what to do if one becomes agitated or angry. Never attempt to feed a wild animal or change their surroundings. Always remember you are a guest and sometimes you're not welcome.

Spring is trying hard to move into Iowa. I'm getting excited about all the new animal babies being born and the ground "coming to life" again. I'm ready, are you?

Sara Evans
Sara's Photography & Design

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